Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Father's Day Samuel L. Holland: "My Daddy was a mender of toys... I just knew there was nothing Daddy did not know, nothing he could not do."

My Daddy was a mender of toys, changer of fuses, kisser of bruises, mover of couches, soother of ouches, pounder of nails, teller of tales, hanger of screens, counselor to teens, fixer of bikes, chastiser of tikes, raker of leaves, cleaner of eaves, dryer of dishes, my fullfiller of wishes my Daddy was. No one could have had a better "Daddy" than I did. He was always there for me supporting me with advice and direction; his love and care were always there. I just knew there was nothing Daddy did not know, nothing he could not do. He was the rock our family was built upon. He was also the most Christian man I knew. I was so blessed to have him as a Daddy.
Love you Daddy.

-- Salen Holland White

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